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The ADS maintains three bibliographic collections containing more than 15 million records covering publications in astronomy and astrophysics, physics, and general science, including all arXiv e-prints.
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The scope of India Journal of Physics include: Astrophysics, Atmospheric & Space Physics, Atomic & Molecular Physics, Biophysics, Condensed Matter & Materials Physics, General & Interdisciplinary Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics & Complex Systems, Nuclear Physics, Optics & Spectroscopy, Particle Physics, Plasma Physics, Relativity & Cosmology, Statistical Physics.


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Recently Added


  • Effect of Environmental Disclosure on Financial Performance of Quoted Oil and Gas Companies in Nigeria
    ARUMONA, Jonah, Ph.D, LAMBE, Isaac, Ph.D & OGUNMAKINDE ISRAEL ..............................................................
     (pg. 1 – 16)

    Effects of Foreign Ownership and Ownership Concentration on Accounting Conservatism of Listed Industrial Firms in Nigeria
    ARUWA, S.A.S, PhD, SHUAIBU, O. Hamzah & HASSAN, Umar Umar, PhD .
    ..............................................….……... (pg. 17 – 28)

    * Effect Effect of Public Debt on Interest Rate in Nigeria NATAGWANDU, Ibrahim Muhammad,

    DELE, Olaolu & HASSAN, Umar Umar, PhD  ..................................................................................................................... (pg. 29 – 39)

    Effect of Independent Directors and Audit Committee on Audit Report of Listed Oil and Gas
    Companies in Nigeria. CHRISTOPHER, David Mbatuegwu 
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    EEffect of Audit Quality on Organizational Performance in Nigeria
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    Effect Impact of Profitability on Earnings Quality of quoted Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in
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    EEffect Sectorial Impact of Foreign Direct Investment Inflow on Economic Growth in Nigeria
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    EEffect Impact of Foreign Direct Investment Inflow on Capital Market Development in Nigeria
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    * Impact of Credit Management of the Financial Performance of Quoted Manufacturing Firms
    in Nigeria IYEKOROGHE, A. Gloria ……………………………………….……………………...…..…............................. (pg. 190 – 202)

    * Effect of Credit Management on Financial Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria
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    * Impact of Microfinance Banks on the Nigerian Economic Growth. FARODOYE, Ayodeji Opeyemi ....……............ (pg. 213 – 224)

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    KWASAU, Nathaniel Aboyi ……………………….….………..……………....…….............................................................. (pg. 225 – 234)

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    Firms in Nigeria. OKOYE, Peter Chinedu ……….……………..………........................………..……………....……........ (pg. 235 – 244)

    * Effects of Tax Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria. MUSA, Amos Omale ..………..……..…....……... (pg. 245 – 249)

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    * Impact of Accounting Information System on the Performance of the Petroleum Industry in
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    * Impact of ICT Tools on Audit Process of Corporate Organizations in Nigeria
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    * Impact of Capital Market Development on the Nigerian Economic Growth
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    * Impact of GIFMIS as an Information Communication Technology Tool on Public Financial
    Management in Nigeria. GOFWAN, Hassan ………….……….………..………..……………………....….............…... (pg. 296 – 308)

    * Impact of Treasury Single Account on Government Revenue and Economic Growth in
    Nigeria. KWABE, Mode Vandihe ……………………………………………………....……............................................. (pg. 309 – 313)

    * Impact of Tax Policies on the Performance of Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in
    Nigeria. OLOLADE, Elizabeth Balogun ………………...………..…………………....……............................................. (pg. 314 – 321)

    * Impact of Corporate Governance on the Financial Performance of Listed Manufacturing
    Firms in Nigeria. AROWELE, Mary-Ann Abisoye ……………............................……….……………………....…..... (pg. 322 – 335)

    * Effects of Audit Committee on the Financial Performance of Quoted Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria
    ADELABU, Sunday Olushola ………………..……......……………………....…….......................................................... (pg. 336 – 342)

    * Impact of Dividend Policy on Shareholders Wealth Maximization in Dangote Sugar
    Company of Nigeria. FATOYE, Segun Kunle ……………................…………..……………………………....……... (pg. 343 – 351)

    * Effect of Merger and Acquisition on Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria
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    * Impact of International Financial Reporting Standard adoption on the Financial Performance
    of Nigerian Manufacturing Firms. TITUS, Glory Nsebot ..……………..........…..…..……………………....……...... (pg. 360 – 371)

    * Role of the Nigerian Army in Land Restoration Agenda: A Management Perspective
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    * Effect of Firm Attributes on Stock Returns of Quoted Consumer Goods Companies in
    Nigeria. CHRISTOPHER, David Mbatuegwu, MBATUEGWU, Florence Akuchi, & ORISAKWE,
    Lawrence, Chinedu ………………………………...………..............................................................................................
    . (pg. 381 – 403)

Effect of Board Size on Real Earnings Management of Financial Institutions in Nigeria.

DANIEL, Emmanuel Kayode, AMEH, Jacob, Ph.D & AZA, Solomon, Ph.D..................................................................... (pg. 1 – 13)

AImpact of Petroleum Profit Tax (PPT) on the Growth of the Agricultural Sector of Nigerian Economy.

TION, Williams Aende, ORBUNDE, Bemshima Benjamin, Ph.D, AROMONA, Jonah Okpe, Ph.D & JACOB, Ame, Ph.D…………......……..……………..………............................................................................................................….……... (pg. 14 – 29)

* Effect of Ownership Structure and Audit Quality on Quoted Oil and Gas Companies in Nigeria

IDOKO, Olive Ojodunwene....................................................................................................................................................... (pg. 30 – 37)

Effect of High-Performance Work Practices on Organizational Performance of National Productivity Centre Abuja.

RIKWENTISHE, Rimamnde, Ph.D, JATO, Terna MacNolly, Ph.D & RIPIYE, Waetsi Bitrus….......................................... (pg. 38 – 43)

EEffect of Ownership Structure on Accounting Conservatism of Listed Industrial Firms in Nigeria.

ARUWA, S. A. S, Ph.D, SHUAIBU, O. Hamzah & HASSAN, Umar Umar, Ph.D................................................................ (pg. 44 – 56)

AEffect of Strategic Alignment on Performance of Selected Indigenous Construction Firms in FCT

ABBAH, J.E.I., Ph.D, OLUKADE, Funsho Tiwon & HASSAN, Umar Umar, Ph.D….......................................................... (pg. 57 – 75)

* Impact of Medium-Term Expenditure Framework on Budget Implementation in Nigeria

LAMBE, Isaac, Ph.D & DADU, Gwong Audu …………………………………..…................................................................. (pg. 76 – 86)

Effect of Budget Deficit and Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in Nigeria

AKINTUNDE, Adewale John & ARUMONA, Jonah, Ph.D………………..…...…................................................................ (pg. 87 – 97)

* Effect of Foreign Aids on the Nigeria Economic Development

AKINTOYE, Olufemi Temidayo & DANIEL, Kayode Emmanuel ………….…................................................................... (pg. 98 – 108)

* Impact of Oil and Gas Revenue on the Economic Growth of Nigeria

OSHIOLE, Blessing Victor & DANIEL, Kayode Emmanuel …………………..................................................................... (pg. 109 – 119)

 * EEffect of Financial Knowledge on Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in North Central Nigeria

TENDE, S.B.A, Ph.D, Olatunji, Tunde Ezekiel & HASSAN, Umar Umar, Ph.D .…............................................................ (pg. 120 – 135)

* INexus between Board Reputation, Size, Gender Diversity and Earnings per Share: Evidence from Nigerian Deposit Money Banks

ISA, Shittu, YAHUZA, Salisu & ALI, Abubakar ……….…..…………....….…..................................................................... (pg. 136 – 143)

* Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in Nigeria

IDOGHO, Abraham Momoh …………………………………..………………...................................................................... (pg. 144 – 151)

EEffect of Petroleum Profit Tax on the Nigerian Economy

ADEYEYE, Janet………………………………….………….………..…...………................................................................... (pg. 152 – 156)

* Nexus between Foreign Direct Investment inflows and Capital Market Development in Nigeria

OJEH, Peace ……………………..……………………..……………………....……................................................................. (pg. 157 – 168)

* Impact of Contemporary Marketing Strategies on Profitability of Deposit Money Bank (DMBs) in Nigeria

ORU, Sharon Shokare ………………………..………..……………………....……................................................................. (pg. 169 – 177)

* Forensic Accounting Skills: A Panacea for Preventing Revenue Leakages in Nigerian Polytechnics

GODO, Bitrus, TITUS, Yakubu Jacob, THOMAS, Nandom Nkem & AJITA Suleiman Ishaku ….................................. (pg. 178 – 193)

* Effect of Taxation on Revenue Generation in Nigeria: Evidence from Plateau State

GODO, Bitrus, TITUS, Yakubu Jacob, THOMAS, Nandom Nkem & AJITA, Suleiman Ishaku ….................................. (pg. 194 – 205)

* Impact of Electronic Payment Systems on Nigerian Economic Development

AKANNI, Bola …………………...…………..………..……………………....……................................................................... (pg. 206 – 212)

* Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Capital Market Development in Nigeria

ONUIGBO, Nnenna Comfort ………………………………………………....……................................................................. (pg. 213 – 220)

* Capital Market as a Tool for Mobilizing Capital Investment in Nigeria

AKINPELU Femi, Olusegun ……………….………..………..……………....…….................................................................. (pg. 221 – 230)

* Impact of Investor’s Risk Perception on Investment Decisions in Nigeria

LAWAL, Mary ………………………………..………..……………………....……................................................................... (pg. 231 – 237)

* Nexus between E-Revenue Generation on Local Government Development in Nasarawa State

DOGO, Polycarp Paul ………………………..………..…………..……..…....……................................................................... (pg. 238 – 246)

* Effect of Digital Economy on the Nigeria Financial Structure

ADESINA, Blessing Adenike ……………………..……………………...…....…….................................................................. (pg. 247 – 253)

* Impact of Financial Accounting Policies on Business Performance in Nigeria

OLAFUSI, Olaseinde Samuel ………………………....……………………....……................................................................... (pg. 254 – 260)


Impact of Forensic Accounting Investigation on Public Sector Financial Crimes in Nigeria

BANA, Joseph O. ………………………...…..………..……………………....……..................................................................... (pg. 261 – 268)

* Effect of Corporate Disclosure on Earnings Management of Listed Conglomerates Firms Nigeria

PAM, Bunmi …………………………………..………..……………………....…….................................................................... (pg. 269 – 276)

* Effect of Revenue Loss on Government Administration in Nigeria

MUSA, Umar Farouk ……………….………..………..……………………....……..................................................................... (pg. 277 – 283)

* Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Development of Capital Market

IDEDEKUMOH, Oyonvwenadjebre Daniel ………………………………....…….................................................................... (pg. 284 – 294)

* Nexus between the Central Bank of Nigeria’s Regulatory Framework and Global Economic Crisis

OKWOR, Ferdinard Odey ………………………..……...…………………....…….................................................................... (pg. 295 – 300)

* Effect of Value Added Tax on Revenue Generation in Nigeria

INNOCENT, Agada Samuel ………………………......……………………....…….................................................................... (pg. 301 – 308)

* Effect of Taxation on Nigeria’s Economic Growth

KWABE, Mode Vandihe ………………………..………..…………………....……..................................................................... (pg. 309 – 320)

* Challenges on the Implementation of International Public Sector Accounting Standards in Nigeria

ONYILOKWU, I. Joseph ………………………..…………………….………....……................................................................... (pg. 321 – 329)

* Impact of Environmental Accounting on Corporate Organizational Reporting in Nigeria

YOHANNA, Longdi Faith ………………………..………..……….………....……..................................................................... (pg. 330 – 333)

* Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Interest Rate Regimes in Nigeria

UGBAH, Nduka Chibuike ………………….………..……………………....…..…...................................................................... (pg. 334 – 340)


* Impact of Accounting System on Public Expenditure Control in Nigeria

OGAH Inalegwu ……………….……………..………..……………………....……..................................................................... (pg. 341 – 347)

* Effect of Value for Money Audit on Fraud Prevention in the Nigerian Public Sector

DINAH, Dinatu Samuel ………………………..……………………………....……................................................................... (pg. 348 – 356)

* Nexus between Oil Economy and Digital Economy: The Case Study of Nigeria
EMEBO, Jessica Nkechi ………………………..………..…….……………....……...................................................................... (pg. 357 – 361)

* Impact of e-Payment Systems on the Management of Public Funds in Nigeria

NJOKU, Ikenna Obinna ……………………...………..……………………....…….................................................................... (pg. 362 – 371)

* Effect of Taxation on Developing Economies: The Case of Nigeria

OKWOLI, Sunday …………………..………..………..……………………....……..................................................................... (pg. 372 – 374)

* Impact of Border Close on Revenue Generation in Nigeria

NEV, Juliet Mure ……………………………..………..……………………....……..................................................................... (pg. 375 – 379)

* Impact of Stock Market Performance on Nigerian Economic Growth

ABDULKADIR, Magdalene Ugwuatuamara …………………...…………....……................................................................... (pg. 380 – 386)


Effect of Currency Exchange Policy on Financial Reporting on Multinational Companies in Nigeria

 LAMBE, Isaac, Ph.D & SALIFU, Grace ............................................................................................................................. (pg. 6 - 17)

An Empirical Investigation into the relationship between Capital Structure and Firm`s Market Value in Nigeria. 

OKOYE, Peter Anija & AYOGU, Sunday E ....................................................................................................................... (pg. 18 - 26)

* Impact of Budget Implementation on the Growth of the Nigerian Economy. 

DADU, A. Gwong .................................................................................................................................................................. (pg. 19 - 22)

Impact of Real Sector Financing on Economic Growth in Nigerian 

JACOB, Mary .......................................................................................................................................................................... (pg. 39 - 48)

* Growth Strategies and Performance of Listed Insurance Firms in Nigeria 

ANOKE, Amechi Fabian........................................................................................................................................................ (pg. 49 - 60)

* Strike Actions and Its Effects on Industrial Relations in Nigeria 

BEIDA, Onivehu Julius .......................................................................................................................................................... (pg. 61 - 70)

 * Effect of Retirement Problems in Nigeria Public Sector

IGWEBUIKE, Joyce ................................................................................................................................................................. (pg. 71 - 78)

* Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on Job Creation Ability of Bingham University Students

EZE, Felicia & AROGE, Peter A. ........................................................................................................................................... (pg. 79 - 90)

* Effect of Organizational Culture on Post-Consolidation Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria

KENECHI, Godwin Onwumere & ABBAH, J. E. I, Ph.D .................................................................................................. (pg. 91 – 101)

* Effect of Tax Revenue Contribution to Economic Development in Nigeria

TION, Williams ………………………………………………………….......................................................……………..... (pg. 102 – 113)

* Voluntary Tax Compliance as an Alternative to Boosting Tax Revenue Generation in Nigeria

SAYI, A. Wilfred & LAMBE, Isaac, Ph.D ............................................................................................................................. (pg. 114 – 119)

* An Empirical Investigation into Economic Planning in Developing Economies: The Nigerian Experience

MILAM, G. Fukkatda ............................................................................................................................................................. (pg. 120 – 138)

* Effect of Enabling Environment on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Growth in Makurdi Metropolis

AIKOR, Shirgba Timothy & GBANDE, P. A, Cephas, Ph.D ……..................................................................................... (pg. 139 – 148)

* Contemporary issues in Forensics Accounting and Forensics Audit

AKINTUNDE, Adewale John ................................................................................................................................................ (pg. 149 – 166)

* Effect of Budgeting and Planning Control Process on Multinational Organization in Nigeria

JACOB, Jeremiah ...................................................................................................................................................................... (pg. 167 – 176)

* Restructuring the Stock Exchange for Nigeria’s Economic Development

EDU, Gabriel Tobi & SUBENO, O. Theresa ......................................................................................................................... (pg. 177 – 186)

* Influencing Factors on Capital Market Development: The Nigeria Experience

BAKO, Isaac .............................................................................................................................................................................. (pg. 187 – 198)

* Achieving Optimal Macro-Economic Management of Public Fund in Nigeria

OBAFEMI, O. Benjamin ........................................................................................................................................................... (pg. 199 – 207)

* Corporate Entrepreneurship and Performance of Some Selected Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria

ISICHEI, Ejikeme Emmanuel, HASSAN, Umar Umar, Ph.D & AGU, Monica……......................................................... (pg. 208 – 216)

* Perspectives on South-South Cooperation: A Critical Analysis

IJE, O. Jarius, Ph.D .................................................................................................................................................................... (pg. 217 – 224)

* Ricardian Hypothesis and Irrelevance of Financing Mode: Evidence from Nigeria

MAHMUD, Elems Umar, Ph.D & OGWUZEBE, Abdullahi Yusuf, Ph.D ........................................................................ (pg. 225 – 234)

* Financial Systems Regulation, Deregulation and Savings Mobilization in Nigeria

AYOGU, Sunday E., OKOYE, Peter Anija & UGWUDIOHA Ofili Mathias, Ph.D ......................................................... (pg. 235 - 345)


Faculty of Health Sciences